South Cove Song (OVERLAY)
John P. Hastings

June 16, 2024 4pm & 6pm
South Cove, Battery Park City
New York, NY
River to River Festival 2024
FREE, Drop-In

South Cove Song (overlay)
is a site-specific music performance, featuring a brass ensemble, centered on the past(s), present(s), and future(s) of Lower Manhattan. The human interaction with the natural landscape and the built environment is questioned, reframed, and reassembled through sonic interventions in South Cove Park.

Using the site of the artist Mary Miss’s park project (created with Stanton Eckstut and Susan Child in 1987), the performance is partly an homage to this visionary artist’s work. It is also a musical and textual accretion of materials, from 17th century Dutch melodies, Romantic-era seafaring novels, to the contemporary resiliency plans for Lower Manhattan designed to mitigate against unstoppable natural forces. Humans have strung and knotted lines of increasing complexity in our world. What does the future hold?

Created by John P. Hastings; Aaron Meicht, Music Director & Trumpet; 12-Piece Ensemble - Kate Amrine, Jen Baker, Kevin Barnes, Wil Dannenberg, Chris DiMeglio, Terry Greene II, Blair Hamrick, Matthew Jaimes, Chris McIntyre, Aaron Meicht, Joe Moffett, Zander Theiss ; Costume design, Kathleen Geldard.

Presented in partnership with Battery Park City Authority.